Is There Such A Thing As To Many Blog Post?
Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
Until about 11 months ago I thought you needed to write about 3 to 4 blog post a week and each blog post should be between 250-600 words. Sound logic if you do some research on Google right? Then I started experimenting with this blog and my empower network blog. What I noticed was that it’s kind of a duel edge sword.
By writing 2 to 3 short blog post almost daily on my empower network blog I noticed my traffic continually increased. With that logic I started writing more on this blog to see what would happen and my traffic started to increase here also.
…However I had mixed feelings about it.
Does Your Blog Loose It’s effective when you write more blog post?
On the plus side of things my traffic and opt in’s increased, but I noticed a lot less people commenting on my blog. I tend to think having comments on your blog is a good sign that people enjoy reading what you are writing. It’s also a way for you to find out what you should be writing about.
I did debunk some myths doing this experiment though:
I was under the impression that doing more than 1 blog post a day would be a bad thing and considered spam. I quickly realized that Facebook and Twitter both are constantly being updated by the second. Twitter only allows you 140 characters and face book you can say 1 word and post it. Both of those sites rank well in google. So it’s not the frequency or how long your blog post is that matters so much.
What matters is when you do your blog post that you provide value to the reader.
Blog Post Frequency Wrap Up!
There are times when I do more than 1 blog post a day on this blog and there are times when I do 1 blog post a week. Either way it doesn’t matter in the eyes of google. In fact the more you write the more traffic you will get that is certain.
Stay away from duplicate content. Still unique content rules the day. If you are going to do more than 1 blog post a day I recommend writing between 150 and 300 words, this is so that you can get some seo love.
If your only going to write 1 to 3 blog post a week then you should make each post 500 – 1000 words. Google likes frequent post and Google likes long post. So either way you can’t loose. But if you write frequently it will send the search engines to your site more often, thereby getting you indexed faster and ranked for more long tail keywords.
I can clearly see my traffic spike when I write more often. This is a good thing. But as I said earlier the trade off is you won’t get as many comments as if you let your post sit on the first page longer.
Just some thoughts I wanted to share with you about doing blog post….