Vlog Challenge | Always Pressing Forward Never Looking Backward
Deciding to take on this 90 day vlog challenge I knew there would be obstacles. My confession is tried starting one of these challenges several times and never actually completed the challenge. This time around is going to be different because something inside of me changed.
Note: We are doing our videos daily and you can see all our recent videos by visiting our YouTube Channel Here.
If your deciding to do the challenge yourself, keep in mind that your videos can be as long or as short as you want them to be. Look at this challenge as a way that you can practice being in front of a camera. The more videos you make the better your videos will be. Videos are the #1 bestest way connect with your listeners….
Vlog Challenge | Larry Rivera | How To Focus Better
In this video I talk about how to get rid of things that are holding you back from your destiny. Sounds interesting right? Watch this video and learn how to focus better on what you are trying to achieve.
Sometimes you have to know when to say no. The main problem people have when they are trying to focus is they get side tracked easily. Watch the video and learn more.
Vlog Challenge | Jamie Pelaez | Persevere, Why Because You Have A Choice
Jamie Talk’s about making right choices for your life and only you know what those choices are. She also talks about not having excuses. Watch here video now!
Make sure when you join complete your challenge blog to come back and share your link, so I can comment and share the love too!
Include the hashtag #90DayVlogChallenge so others can find you!
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