Use Video Blogging to Boost Content and SEO

If you’re a blogger or small business site manager, you’ve probably tried all sorts of methods to increase traffic and maximize SEO techniques on your page. You’ve looked to strengthen and diversify your content, you’ve turned to backlinking and keyword tags, and you’ve advertised yourself through social media and on other web pages.

If you’ve done all that and still are struggling to realize the site traffic you desire, it can certainly be a frustrating and aggravating experience.

Feeling as though your content has stagnated won’t help matters either. What can you do? How can you gain more exposure?

At times like these, bloggers often find themselves wishing they have something akin to a Detroit life coach.

Fortunately, there are always other options to consider. In this article, I’m going to focus on one such option that can rejuvenate your content and strengthen your SEO: video blogging.

How can video blogging rejuvenate your content? If you feel as though your current content is stagnant and lacking, there’s a good chance that you have a virtual version of writer’s block. And there’s no better way to get out of that situation than by changing up the medium through which your content is delivered. Video blogs allow you to be demonstrative and to address viewers in a conversational manner – abilities both of which can serve to give you new ideas and fresh approaches to your content.

When done correctly, video blogging can also be a benefit for your SEO. Here are a few tips for making this happen:

Tag all video posts with keywords. Although web-crawling bots cannot view and categorize videos, they are programmed to take accompanying tags into account. These tags further allow you to emphasize certain terms that may appear in search results.

Make a dedicated video archive. Once you’ve started amassing a collection of video posts, make a section of your site where all of these posts are hosted. This will increase sophistication and click-throughs.

Embed all videos. You don’t want visitors to view your video content on YouTube or another similar site. For this reason, it is important that everything you post is embedded on your web page.

In this manner, you can use video blogging to boost your SEO while also diversifying the content on your site. In light of the recent popularity of embedded video advertising, doing so may translate into significant revenues down the road. A word of warning, however: video blogging is not right for every situation. Make sure that you have an appropriate readership, content focus, and personal professionalism before pursuing the matter in the first place. But, if you do, you may want to consider giving video blogging a try.

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