90 Day Vlog Challenge | The Power of ‘I Am’ and ‘Why Am I’

90 Day Vlog Challenge | Positive Self-talk With ‘I am’ and ‘Why Am I’ Statements

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The power of ‘I am’ has been hinted to us throughout the ages. From the Scriptures, being called ‘The Moses Code’ to Law of Attraction experts and many in between…

And Alahym said to Mosheh, “I am that which I am.”And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Yisra’ĕl, ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ” ~ Exodus 3:14

There is not one thing our Creator has left out. The saying ‘God is good all the time’ comes to mind. Alleluyah to that!

Whether you believe in a Creator, in a God is irrelevant. All the universal laws are in place with or with out you. Truly all you have a choice in is whether you choose to work with them or against them. It’s that simple.

Once you become aware of the power of I AM, you may realize how it has effected you positively and negatively in the past.


Once you realize its power, then you can choose to make it work with you, rather than against you.

On top of using ‘I Am’ statements to create your reality for better or worse, you can use ‘Why Am I’ statements to take that creation process to the next level.

Through out this challenge, I am here to share my trials, tribulations and triumphs. I will give you everything I have and then some! Because I am a giver, I am a lover, I am a teacher, I am an encourager, I am a blessing, I am helpful, I am more and I will continue to be more and do more so I can give more.

Watch this video now and know how you can harness the power of ‘I Am’ and ‘Why Am I’ statements:

After watching the video, take a moment to think… How has your self-talk shaped you? What positive and negative ‘I am’ statements have you used? How have they affected you? And now armed with this knowledge, what are you going to change?

For me personally, I am going to make it a challenge daily to become a better self-corrector and to intentionally speak words of wisdom, love and encouragement over myself. To love myself unconditionally, so I can live and walk in the purpose I was created for.


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ℒℴѵℯ / Blessings ➸ Jamie Pelaez
Skype: jamie.pelaez

P.S. To check out all our videos up to date, visit our YouTube channel and click here for more 90 Day Vlog Challenge videos.

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