Home Based Business – Flowing With The Seasons
Summer goes by so quickly. I just got done some school shopping with my kids and all the back to school sales are going on. It reminds me that the Big 3 are around the corner.
Thanks Giving , Christmas and New Years. It has been my experience that you will see the most growth in your business from now until Christmas then it will slow down for a few months and pick back up in March.
If you are in a network marketing home based business it is time to get with your sponsor and ask them what is the best marketing strategy they use for this time of year. Many people make the mistake of joining one of these businesses in the months of June, July and August and don’t see the results the would like to see.
These months aren’t good for newbies because most times there is so much information to have to learn that between learning and the fact that many people are away on vacations with their families it seems like nobody is interested in starting a business. For the past few years I have noticed that the best time to promote internet network marketing businesses are right after New Years until June and from September To November.
Setting Your Home Based Business Goals
Don’t sit around waiting for the holidays to come and go and let another year slip past without achieving your goals. If you dream is to be financially free, now is the time to get focused. Write down specific goals that you want to achieve before 2011. Tack that list to your mirror and look at it daily.
Get excited because somewhere someone is looking to the internet for the first time wondering if they can start a home based business with their computer. Now is the time for you to position yourself as the person that can help them.
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So I just wanted to give a quick heads up. If you are involved in home based business now is the time to start focusing on your campaigning.